Barthel (drums), F. Cappelle (bass), J.B Sellom (guitar), S. Hubert (keys), M. Denis (sax), Q. Steffen (trumpet), P.F Mudioko (vocals),
Chris Lefevbre (Percussions), Marylene Corro (vocals)
Awaken your body and mind with the powerful groove of What The Funk, carried by a duo of intoxicating voices! James Brown, TheMeters, Earth,Windand Fire,…, … with a repertoire clearly oriented funk /soul / disco, this formation of 9 musicians will make you vibrate in all circumstances on a bewitching rhythm and will make you forget the melodic grayness of the dancefloors for a feverish journey through the groove history of he 60’s to today.It’s time to get out your bell bottoms, your Ray-Ban and your afro hairstyles! FreakOut! Le Freak,c’est chic!
TICKET: 20€ Members – No Members 22€