Welcome to the enchanting world of contemporary jazz, where a new musical project emerges as an invitation to adventure: « The Hive. » Led by the ingenious musician Pascal Su, this project embodies the essence of originality and innovation, restoring jazz to its rightful place.
At the heart of « The Hive » lies a clear ambition: to bring together captivating and groovy compositions that showcase delightfully recognizable and melodious tunes. With boundless passion, Pascal takes us on a journey through his own creations, where each piece is a gem to be discovered and savored without restraint.
Breaking away from conventional paths, « The Hive » seamlessly blends contemporary urban music with vibrant jazz, infusing this musical endeavor with a refreshing novelty that is unparalleled. Audacious harmonies combine with captivating individuality, creating a perfect symphony where joyful rhythms and enchanting melodies blend in flawless harmony.
Like a transcendental experience, « The Hive » concert becomes a musical odyssey, carrying audiences of all ages on an unforgettable harmonic voyage. Every note resonates deep within the soul, awakening unexpected emotions, making this evening an unforgettable experience.
TICKET: 15€ Members – No Members 18€